

How is North Eastern Cargo Packers and movers different from others?
With its quick and professional service, North Eastern Cargo Packers and movers has proven itself as the leading packers and movers in the country.

How can we have faith in services of North Eastern Cargo Packers and movers?
North Eastern Cargo Packers and movers ensures best quality services and its ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFICATION with Registered TRADE MARK mirrors its best quality.

Can I get my goods shifted quickly?
North Eastern Cargo Packers and movers knows the value for your time and hence move your goods efficiently and without wasting your time.

Do I need insurance even if the packing is done skillfully?
Though North Eastern Cargo Packers and movers use high quality packing material depending on the nature and fragility of the goods, items can get destroyed because of some unpredicted calamities like heavy rains, accidents etc.

How much time has to be spent for packing and loading process at my home?
Usually one bed room house will take minimum three to four house however this time varies from house to house and it depends on the no. of goods you have.

Can I also move my vehicles safely?
Yes. North Eastern Cargo Packers and movers also undertakes vehicles shifting like cars and bikes. We will use special containers in order to move your vehicles in safe and sound conditions.

How we can trail our shipment?
A11. We will be constantly in touch with you during the entire process. You can also take help of our 24 Hrs. customer care center to track your consignment.

Why only North Eastern Cargo Packers and movers?
We provide quick services and we do not compromise on quality of our services. Our professional manpower is happy to help you any time. We also ensure safety of all your goods during the entire relocation process.

Can I get services of North Eastern Cargo Packers and movers in my area?
North Eastern Cargo Packers and movers has its all-inclusive network spread in all major cities in the country. It caters to all the major areas of all the important cities. So wherever you are, our network follows!

Can I get warehousing facilities?
Yes. North Eastern Cargo Packers and movers provide both Long term and short term warehousing facilities. We will provide you up to 15 days warehousing facility absolutely free of cost.

What payment modes do you accept?
You can make payment in the way that you find comfortable. North Eastern Cargo Packers and movers allow following methods and you can choose the one you like: Cash payment Cheque payment Demand draft Debit card Credit card payment Via Wire transfer

Is the pricing structure affordable for me?
Yes. Of course. The pricing structure of North Eastern Cargo Packers and movers is very reasonable and easily affordable. The prices and quality of the services offered go hand in hand. The costs are nearly 25% less than other packers and movers and the quality is around 25 % better than other packer’s and movers.

I need delivery on a specific date?
If you need delivery on a specific date we can accommodate you but additional charges may apply.

Are there any hidden charges?
Yes, if there is any Tax by state government paid by Shipper’s / Receiver’s only If lorry detain due to any reason detention charge will be Rs. 2,500/= per day paid by Shipper’s / Receiver’s only. You look over the terms and conditions of your estimate prior to signing your estimate.

Why should I book my move with North Eastern Cargo Packers and movers Group?
North Eastern Cargo Packers and movers Group has been in business since December 1995. North Eastern Cargo Packers and movers Group is a full service moving company not a broker or a sub contractor we will take you throughout your move and give you 100% of customer service for all your needs. North Eastern Cargo Packers and movers is an ISO 9001-2008 and TRADE MARK certified company.

When should I schedule my move?
It’s preferable to book your move 2 weeks in advance especially if you want to move on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday.

Can I get a binding quote?
Yes, North Eastern Cargo Packers and movers provides binding estimates.

I need pick up on a specific date?
For moves originating out of North Eastern Cargo Packers and movers we can guarantee the pick-up date.

What is North Eastern Cargo Packers and movers transit time to deliver my items?
The transit time varies depending on where you are moving. The most common transit time is 250 km per days.

If there is part load booking How customer’s items kept separate from other customers?
On moving day items are tagged with inventory stickers that are color coded, lot coded and numbered. A detailed inventory is taken of those items and their condition is made at pick up and kept with the shipment to check off.

  • North Eastern Cargo Packers and movers is one of the best packers and movers company. I just transfered household goods from Hyderabad to Bangalore, I done very... Kuldip
  • I just my shifted household goods to Delhi from Hyderabad via North Eastern Cargo Packers and movers, they delivered my household goods & car within the time. ... Divya
  • North Eastern Cargo Packers AND movers Helped me for shifting my Car to Mumbai from Hyderabad with reasonable cost.... Vinod

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